Geeking over: 'Frozen' medley by Pentatonix

If you've seen the movie "Frozen" and can't stop singing the songs like me — seriously, ask my husband, I'm obsessed — hopefully you'll also geek over this medley by the insanely talented group Pentatonix.

And if after watching that you just crave more, check out this or this or this.

geek on,

El Top 5: Cesar Chavez and Princess Darth Vader

The trailer for the movie "Chavez: An American Hero" is out! It's slated to be released in theaters April 4, 2014. The movie will tell the story of the famous civil rights leader and labor organizer. Looks promising! More on the movie here.

Walter Purple? My crush Aaron Paul posted this pic on Instagram. I miss Bryan Cranston too. 

Loving this Princess Darth Vader costume. Filing this under Things I'll Force My Future Kid To Wear.

Photo via Fashionably Geek 

Photo via Fashionably Geek 

The concept behind Phonebloks sounds awesome! Watch the video below to get to know the idea that could really revolutionize the cellphone industry. Motorola also announced they already have a similar idea in the works. 

And lastly, an in-depth look at Fusion, a new network from Univision and ABC  targeting Latino millennials. I'm definitely intrigued, however I just learned my cable provider doesn't have offer it. (COUGHGETITTOGETHERCOMCAST) Check out the feature over at Buzzfeed

geek on,

Geeking over: Grave of the Fireflies

Confession. I judged a book by its cover. 

By book, I mean movie. And by cover, I mean genre. 

Scene from Grave of the Fireflies

Scene from Grave of the Fireflies

 One of my best friends—a self-declared film aficionado—really wanted me to go see this movie playing at the Gene Siskel Film Center as part of "Studio Ghibli Returns." Since I mostly trust his opinion and have always wanted to check out that theater, I decided to go. The only thing I knew about the movie going in was that it was animated and Japanese. Yep, anime. Meh. 

was never one to watch Dragon Ball Z, and my knowledge of animated movies is more in the Disney/Pixar realm. So I didn't know what to expect, but I suspected I might be bored. 

Boy, was I ever wrong. Grave of the Fireflies was one of the most achingly beautiful stories I've ever experienced. Not only was I immediately captivated by the story, but I became completely enamored by the main characters Seita and Setsuko. It was so powerful, tears were streaming down my face, neck and into my dress. Even when I woke up the next morning, the impact of the movie still stayed with me.

Lesson learned. Thou shall not be all judgey toward anime. 

Please — do yourself a favor. Experience this movie. I think it's available on Netflix!

geek on,

Geeking Over: Catching Fire Trailer

Just released! Check it out below.
From what I can see, it definitely gives a dark, bleak vibe —  appropriate for Book 2!

Coming to theaters November 22nd, 2013... Watch the trailer and experience the phenomenon like never before, only at the Hunger Games Explorer! - THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE begins as Katniss Everdeen has returned home safe after winning the 74th Annual Hunger Games along with fellow tribute Peeta Mellark.

Geeking Over: Catching Fire

Photo: ​Lionsgate/Capitol Couture

With so many other TV shows, movies, books and blogs I'm keeping up with, I hate to admit I sort of forgot about The Hunger Games. ​<Insert an Effie-style gasp>

But ... the portraits that just came out promoting Catching Fire have gotten me geeked.

I was somewhat disappointed with the movie adaption of The Hunger Games — I'm usually the annoying girl pointing out all the stuff they left out from the book. Despite that, I'm really looking forward to watching Catching Fire and immersing myself once again in the world of Panem. Especially since the story gets a lot darker in this book. :)

Click here to see even more kick-ass portraits of the characters. Which one is your favorite?

geek on,

Les Zero Silver Djargo of Southern Pincoln

What if all the Oscars Best Picture nominees were mashed up into one movie?
Ahh, good old Internetz — someone went through the trouble and created a trailer for that very "what if?"

Enjoy! (No big spoilers - no worries!)

Lincoln, Les Misérables, Zero Dark Thirty, Django Unchained, Life of Pi, Amour, Argo, Beasts of the Southern Wild, and Silver Linings Playbook. What do these movies all have in common? EVERYTHING.

Speaking of Best Picture nominees, I still have more than a couple to see before the Oscars:
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Life of Pi
Silver Linings Playbook
Zero Dark Thirty

Think I can do it? We'll see! What should I watch first?

geek on,

Geeking Over: Under The Same Moon


I just got my wisdom teeth pulled out so needless to say, I've spent a lot of time watching Netflix, eating ice cream in bed. It's been a blessing in (painful) disguise, that has allowed me to check out some movies that have been sitting in my Instant Watch queue.

One of those movies I am very happy I finally watched is Under the Same Moon, or La Misma Luna. This movie had me laughing, smiling and crying the entire 106 minutes. I would happily make anyone I know watch this movie.


Adrián Alonso's performance as Carlitos will grip your heart. I swear I have never wanted to hug a movie character more. The story follows Carlitos as he journeys to find his mother, telenovela favorite Kate del Castillo.

It's a heartfelt film about undocumented immigrants and it resonated with me in so many ways. There are people going through situations like this every day and I'm glad this drama showcases it in a honest, heartbreaking way. Here is the trailer, make sure to add it to your Instant Queue too!

UNDER THE SAME MOON (LA MISMA LUNA) tells the parallel stories of nine-year-old Carlitos and his mother, Rosario. In the hopes of providing a better life for her son, Rosario works illegally in the U.S. while her mother cares for Carlitos back in Mexico.

geek on,

Hecho en México

I don't think I need to tell you that there are many misconceptions about México. Whether its people who only think about it when it comes time to plan their spring break vacations, or those who are terrified to step foot south of the Rio Grande and encounter gasp - DRUGS, KIDNAPPING and MURDER.

Which is why it warms my heart that a documentary is trying to combat those views and negativity and show a side of México many have not seen.

The video description states: A celebration of Mexican identity and culture told through the music of some of the most iconic international artists.

Watch the trailer below featuring stars like Alejandro Fernández, Julieta Venegas, Diego Luna and many more.