Me llamo Michelle y soy un Geek.

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¡Hola! I'm Michelle G. Lopez and is my lifestyle blog where I pretty much geek out and blog about all the culturally relevant things I love.

I'm a married, first-generation Mexican-American living in Chicago, Illinois. I spend a lot of my time online and often stumble upon content that I would love to blog about.

I want this blog to encourage other people like me – girls who grew up feeling they were never Mexican enough and never American enough (reference: my favorite movie scene ever) – to embrace who they are. You can love fantasy football AND cheer El Tri on, you can obsess over Game of Thrones AND old school telenovelas, you can listen to Slate podcasts AND have Vicente Fernández on your iPod, you can crush on Donald Glover AND William Levy. Seriously, you can – te lo prometo.

In my 31 years I have had countless struggles with cultural identity and I know what helped was knowing others like me felt the same way. So here I am, a journalist turned bloguera who is ready to geek out with you!

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