'Catch The Throne' hopes to catch diverse audience

So, you may have heard: "Game of Thrones" is coming out with a mixtape called "Catch The Throne." HBO has hired 10 hip hop and Latin music artists to rap about all things Lannisters, dragons and Winterfell. It comes out tomorrow and will be available for free online. 

Joffrey's mad he's not featured in the mixtape. 

Joffrey's mad he's not featured in the mixtape. 

I guess the goal is to attract more of a multicultural audience and entice them to check out the show. I'm all for more people (especially Latinos) falling in love with the show and book series (as I have) — but I question if this is really going to do it. On the one hand, Common's vouched for this. On the other hand, I can see myself becoming very annoyed if Daddy Yankee's going on about Khaleesi lovin' the gasolina...

geek on,