A GIF guide to my 30th birthday

So, I turned 30. It happened! I'd love to take you through what I felt about it.

At first I was like....

It seemed like everyone around me was more excited about it than I was...

I became very contemplative about it all...

And I slowly but surely realized...

I still got it! 30 isn't old!

I'm officially a grown ass woman! I got this. 

Then the excitement kicked in.

And I realized there's no better way to celebrate this milestone than with all my friends.

We celebrated in style!

I'm really glad I got over my birthday blues and embraced turning 30. I forgot how wonderful it is to feel loved on special days like this. It made me feel happy, like this...

My birthday also meant lots of tasty food and cake! 

Of course I stuffed my face and felt like this...

And got lots of thoughtful, amazing gifts...

Man, I'm pretty lucky. Here's to 30.

geek on,