El Top 5: Pop-up Westeros, Adele Dazim and NailSnaps

These are 5 things I think are awesome at the moment. 

I remember loving pop-up books when I was younger, so it's no surprise I'd freak out about the soon-to-be released pop-up book, Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros. 

I spend so much time relying on my iPhone sometimes it gets easy to forget how far cellphones have come. This adorable video shows how cellphones have evolved over the last 40 years.

This. Over and over again.

This kickstarter that I just supported. I'm just thinking of all the geeky nail designs I could make...

Photo: NailSnaps

Photo: NailSnaps

One of my favorite movies that I quote all the time is "The Wedding Singer." So watching this cute clip of Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore made me happy. Especially at the very end. :)

geek on,