Catcalling exposed

You may have seen this video, it's been buzzing around the web. If not though—watch it below. I'm surprised it took this long for someone to make a video like this and bring to light an issue than many women + girls have had to deal with since the invention of the sidewalk.

For more information on what Hollaback! is trying to do, click here.

geek on,

Geeking over: This little Mexican kid

It's been a long week (it's only Tuesday!) and Chicago continues to be cold, snowy, and kind of dreary. So this video totally made my day and I hope it does the same for you. 

Check out this adorable kid and his even more adorable dance moves:

geek on,

Let It Snow! Picard style.

It snowed today in Chicago! It was that pretty, fluffy, Christmas-movie snowfall.

It got me geeked for the holidays. I love this time of year. I'll leave you with Captain Picard singing “Let It Snow!” from clips from "Star Trek: The Next Generation."

geek on,

I quit! In this awesome dancey Kanye way

It's 4:30 in the morning. Most people are knocked out, snoring before they hit snooze. This woman is up and at 'em, making an adorable and epic video in which she quits her job. I wonder what her company thinks of her 10 million views on YouTube...

I work for an awesome company that makes news videos. I have put my entire life into this job, but my boss only cares about quantity, how fast we write and how many views each video gets. I believe it's more important to focus on the quality of the content.

geek on,