Hello again!

I officially have to carefully lean forward to see my shoes 😬 #🍂

A photo posted by Michelle Gonzalez Lopez (@michelleglopez) on

It's been a while since I've regularly blogged, I truly am sorry about that! I've been thinking a lot recently about this blog and how much joy it gave me to share whatever I was loving at the moment. All throughout this pregnancy I've had many things to geek out over, and I've wanted to share those things too, but was hesitant to include that content here. 

However the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to. This blog, ultimately was always a reflection of my current loves and life. And now that my life is about to change in a huge inexplicable way I would like to continue to share those loves and experiences here. That is, assuming I'll be able to manage blogging between the lack of sleep and exhaustion that awaits me.

Will this become a full-fledged mommy blog? I don't know—probably not. I'm still probably going to post Games of Thrones stuff, TRUST. But I do still crave a space online where I can document my journey as a new mom, as someone who dearly wishes to raise a baby geek. I hope you come along for the ride.

Thank you for reading, as always. 


Catcalling exposed

You may have seen this video, it's been buzzing around the web. If not though—watch it below. I'm surprised it took this long for someone to make a video like this and bring to light an issue than many women + girls have had to deal with since the invention of the sidewalk.

For more information on what Hollaback! is trying to do, click here.

geek on,

Geek style: Star Trek Starfleet ships outfit

I like coming up with quirky outfits that combine geekdom and fashion, as you probably know from my previous geeky look.


Now that summer looks like it's here to stay (crossing my fingers) in Chicago — I virtually-styled something casual, cute and appropriate for a sunny Saturday.

I love the fun print on the shorts, and the muscle tee is simple enough that you have an cool combination without too much going on. I also like that the armholes on the tee aren't huge — which will make it easy to tuck the tee into the shorts. The rest of the look is minimalistic: lovely summery flats from Madewell, perfectly tiny bar studs and a great envelope-style crossbody bag. 

All fit for the "Federation" of fashion! (I just groaned at that too, no worries.)

Linky links: Star Trek Starfleet muscle tee | Tile beaded shorts | Margot flats | Bar stud earringsRebecca Minkoff Marlowe Mini

geek on,

What I'm geeking on lately

My favorite Game of Thrones podcasts


I bet Tyrion wants a "break" right about now too.

I bet Tyrion wants a "break" right about now too.

Alright, now that Game of Thrones season 4 is over, I can get back to blogging again. :)

Just kidding! I know it's been a while but I'm back! Life got all kinds of hectic so I took a little blog break. Never fear, your somewhat weekly dose of geekiness is back. 

Behold, my favorite Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire themed podcasts. I truly believe listening to these podcasts can really elevate your enjoyment of the show, or the books, or both! Give it a try. Your TV life will change. We have a long while til we get to season 5, I highly recommend giving some of the older seasons a re-watch and checking out the 'casts below:

A Cast of Kings

Good for: Everyone
Usual length: Around 60 min
Why I like it: There's lots of podcasts where one of the hosts has read the books, and the other has not. But there's only one with hosts Joanna Robinson and David Chen. They always have interesting conversation and analysis about the episodes. It's gotten to the point where I sometimes think "What would David and Joanna think about this?" after I see a scene on TV. This is just a really solid podcast, and is very, very careful about being spoiler free.
Listen online | iTunes

Unspoiled Podcast: A Song of Ice and Fire

Good for: Book readers
Usual length: Can range from 30 min to 90 min
Why I like it: Brendan and Natasha are hilarious. This is a podcast that's not afraid to get silly and make fun of what happens in the books and on the show. They are a delight to listen to, and this is the only podcast that regularly makes me laugh out loud. They have episodes dedicated to every chapter of the books. I only regret not discovering them sooner because honestly, after every chapter I read I wish I had someone to talk to about what just happened. And this is the next best thing. 
Listen online | iTunes

Game of Owns

Good for: Everyone
Usual length: Around 60 min
Why I like it: Ugh, their website is gorgeous. Just look at it. Podcast-wise though, this is one of my trusty ones. It almost feels like you're eavesdropping on a group of friends reacting to the episodes. Some of the hosts have read the books, some have not. I love that they have puns for their episode titles, and don't take themselves too seriously. And for that, they get my "own." (You'll get that joke if you listen to it.)
Listen online | iTunes


Good for: Book readers
Usual length: Can range from 40 min to 80 min
Why I like it: Elio and Linda both have not only read the all books (and then some), but are super passionate about their adaptation. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who sighs about major deviations from the books. They are very invested in all things Game of Thrones, even collaborating with George R.R. Martin himself on a book called The World of Ice and Fire. Their website, is also an awesome resource for book readers. 
Watch online

History of Westeros*

Good for: Everyone, just be careful
Usual length: Can range from 30 min to 90 min
Why I like it: If there was a college course on Westeros, these podcasts could serve as the lessons. Aziz and Ashaya really know their stuff. The episode recap videos are awesome, and they will always warn you if they include spoilers, just be careful! Their in-depth videos on the world of Westeros are very thorough. They really let me dive deep into the fantastic world George R.R. Martin's created.
Watch online | iTunes

Game of Thrones Post-Show Recap

Good for: Mostly non-book readers, but also book readers
Usual length: Around 60 min
Why I like it: What's awesome about this podcast is that it's up and live right after the show airs. So while I have to wait days for some of these other 'casts, this one is my trusty one to listen to on Monday mornings on my commute to work. The TV recap episodes are spoiler-free, but if you want to, they have "book club" episodes of their podcasts where they talk book spoilers. Just make sure you click on the right thing!
Listen online |

If you have a favorite Game of Thrones podcast, comment below! 

geek on,

* These are only recommended for the super geeky, like me. Don't say I didn't warn ya!

'Catch The Throne' hopes to catch diverse audience

So, you may have heard: "Game of Thrones" is coming out with a mixtape called "Catch The Throne." HBO has hired 10 hip hop and Latin music artists to rap about all things Lannisters, dragons and Winterfell. It comes out tomorrow and will be available for free online. 

Joffrey's mad he's not featured in the mixtape. 

Joffrey's mad he's not featured in the mixtape. 

I guess the goal is to attract more of a multicultural audience and entice them to check out the show. I'm all for more people (especially Latinos) falling in love with the show and book series (as I have) — but I question if this is really going to do it. On the one hand, Common's vouched for this. On the other hand, I can see myself becoming very annoyed if Daddy Yankee's going on about Khaleesi lovin' the gasolina...

geek on,

El Top 5: Pop-up Westeros, Adele Dazim and NailSnaps

These are 5 things I think are awesome at the moment. 

I remember loving pop-up books when I was younger, so it's no surprise I'd freak out about the soon-to-be released pop-up book, Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros. 

I spend so much time relying on my iPhone sometimes it gets easy to forget how far cellphones have come. This adorable video shows how cellphones have evolved over the last 40 years.

This. Over and over again.

This kickstarter that I just supported. I'm just thinking of all the geeky nail designs I could make...

Photo: NailSnaps

Photo: NailSnaps

One of my favorite movies that I quote all the time is "The Wedding Singer." So watching this cute clip of Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore made me happy. Especially at the very end. :)

geek on,

A GIF guide to my 30th birthday

So, I turned 30. It happened! I'd love to take you through what I felt about it.

At first I was like....

It seemed like everyone around me was more excited about it than I was...

I became very contemplative about it all...

And I slowly but surely realized...

I still got it! 30 isn't old!

I'm officially a grown ass woman! I got this. 

Then the excitement kicked in.

And I realized there's no better way to celebrate this milestone than with all my friends.

We celebrated in style!

I'm really glad I got over my birthday blues and embraced turning 30. I forgot how wonderful it is to feel loved on special days like this. It made me feel happy, like this...

My birthday also meant lots of tasty food and cake! 

Of course I stuffed my face and felt like this...

And got lots of thoughtful, amazing gifts...

Man, I'm pretty lucky. Here's to 30.

geek on,

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you get to spread love to all those around you and also see some rad geeky valentines online like the one below. 

Source: Castle McQuade

And if you're in a lovey dovey mood ... I leave you with one of my favorites singing one of my favorites. 

geek on,

Geeky Latina's Valentine's Day Gift Guide

It’s February, so that means Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! My friends at Ray’s Podcast asked me to come up with some cool ideas for Valentine’s Day gifts. So here’s my top picks, if you feel like veering away from the chocolates and flowers route.


If your significant other loves taking photos and putting them on Instagram this gift would be perfect for them! Build them a book of their amazing photos, or give them a digital gift card so you can build a book together. :)
Where to buy:
How much: Photo books start at $25


Another great gift idea for those who love taking photos with their phones are cell phone lenses from Photojojo. They are high-quality lenses you attach to your phone that totally up your photo game. They are compatible with iPhones and Android phones.
Where to buy: Photojojo 
How much: Individual lenses start at $20, 3-pack is $49, all the lenses $99


Personalized cutting board
If cooking brings you and your significant other closer together, think about getting something personalized, like this cutting board. It’s bound to be used almost every day, so they’ll get good use out of it. Plus, you can’t go wrong if you pair it with these cute kitchen towels.
Where to buy: Cutting boards | Kitchen towels 
How much: $49, $35 for towels


Imprint ring
You can still opt for jewelry and get something super unique. How cool is this? This ring leaves a message or heart imprint impression on your finger once you take it off. Make your mark on your loved one. :)
Where to buy: Option 1 | Option 2
How much: $120 | $157


Skyline art
Showcase your love for each other — and your city — with this art piece. Personalize it with your names, anniversary and city. A list of cities and skylines available
Where to buy: Uncommon Goods
How much: $160

* * * * * 

Now, if you don't take Valentine's Day too seriously, and like to get quirky couple gifts, check out these options.


Two person umbrella
Where to buy: Umbrella 
How much: $50


Siamese Slanket
Where to buy: Slanket
How much: $39


Where to buy: Smittens
How much: $35


If you want to listen to the audio of Ray's Podcast, listen below!

geek on,

Geeking over: This little Mexican kid

It's been a long week (it's only Tuesday!) and Chicago continues to be cold, snowy, and kind of dreary. So this video totally made my day and I hope it does the same for you. 

Check out this adorable kid and his even more adorable dance moves:

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